
www.headphones-fashion.com g Kong Yu Shura M

Kong Yu has been seeing Sun Wukong is useless in skill, but only the physical strength ,it would run general mana to play fly ,such that the strength of nature is not Kong Yu can be compared .
relationresultOnlyaround but hole jade fold one that is not possible ,and the broken sword and Jiuzilong ring ,Kong Yu is also some confidence and Sun Wukong in a battle .While watching Kong Yu holding a broken sword looks ,Sun Wukong also did not say much ,and raised the Ruyi Jingu Bang is made over to Kong Yu .
relationresultSun Wukongroutine seems to be nothing moves, are the direct ,is not it is a sweep ,it is have a ready pen ,brave and powerful ,because Sun Wukong ,a bat speed is also fast, so it is to see things in a blur of feeling ,making Kong Yu moment is stick shadow .
relationresultBecause Kong Yuis the man ,so is the natural can withstand more mana ,from Jiuzilong ring in to draw the inexhaustible power, Kong Yu holding a broken sword ,constant and Sun Wukong fights with .
And because of broken sword there is energy ,so although it is and the golden touch ,but not on the Kong Yu effect ,because the golden are the broken sword the sword broke ,but can hole jade ,and in the next moment ,Kong Yu broken sword is still will condense Department of energy .
relationresultStepping on thespiral nine shadow body, hands broken sword play is lonely nine sword of mana ,the body everfount gushed out, although Kong Yu and Sun Wukong are many ,but for a time Sun Wukong wants to will Kong Yu :it is not so easy ,but the obvious disadvantage of Kong Yu is also in the struggle ,carelessness is a spirit all destroyed .
relationresultMonkeyirritability is born, thought can easily kill Kong Yu ,but now Kong Yu is revealed to Sun Wukong surprising strength ,in his golden under attack, it is up to such a long time ,this makes Sun Wukong more is angry .
relationresultGraduallystrengthen their physical strength and in vivo skill ,Sun Wukong finally began to seriously up a stick ,than a stick more violent towards Kong Yuza ,but every time Sun Wukong stick when, around the space is one piece of the annihilation ,into a chaos ,law force ripple of the diffusion constant .
relationresultAndSun Wukong was angry that Kong Yu ,the pressure is strong rise ,already was Sun Wukong pressure suffocative come ,now is more let Kong Yu feel the breath is a luxury ,and the huge pressure of the impact of Kong Yu spirit ,so that Kong Yu was also influenced by great trauma .
relationresultIn this case,Kong Yu gradually some confused, while Kong Yu is to be the huge pressure of losing consciousness, in Kong Yu eyebrows .Suddenly flash a red light ,the Shura Motong at this time finally appeared, but Kong Yu in an instant is become blood red .
relationresultAt that moment,Kong Yu just feel everything is full of strength ,he appears along with the practice of yin and Yang and nine mysterious power state persistence improve ,Shura Motong released mana is more complicated ,and the huge force of the Kong Yu heart is full of confidence ,cold watching opposite Sun Wukong .
relationresultIsit weird things hand to stop at the Sun Wukong Kong Yu Shura Motong glabella ,heart suddenly have a bad feeling about this ,because he was defeated in the three eye of Erlang Zhenjun Yang Jian hands ,so on three eyes of people are with their fear, knowing that he will pore Yuqiang are much larger ,but still make Sun Wukong uneasy .
relationresultShuraMotong has made Kong Yu more confident ,looking across the Sun Wukong ,jade hand hole broken sword a shock ,was active .relationresult , relationresultThe 350th chapter exposure crisis , relationresultShuraMotong since the last hole jade wars exotic self-cultivation time once ,after have for many years not seen ,even in English and the demon God strokes ,Yao crown land pressure vs time, are there now ,in the face of Sun Wukong to Kong Yu pressure ,finally appear again the .
relationresultShuraMotong also contains the inexhaustible power, and Jiuzilong ring for Kong Yu to provide power ,which makes even cultivation to the realm of Kong Yu are some of bear ,he is now need the body more and more huge mana out ,and discovered the object nature is Sun Wukong .
relationresultSun Wukongsaw Kong Yu eyebrows appeared a blood red eyes, no reason for the heart is born a disgust mood ,but also have a restless mood, this is because when Sun Wukong was lost with three eye of two Lang Zhenjun music ,for it Sun Wukong has always been to heart of the matter .
relationresultAs for therestlessness ,www.headphones-fashion.com,is not because Kong Yu radiates out of mana, even Kong Yu mana to raise one times ,Sun Wukong also won put in the eye ,Sun Wukong is also hoping to and master Guozhao, nature is Kong Yuyue ,he is more happy ,so Sun Wukong is not satisfied the Shura Motong .
relationresultAlthoughI don such feeling ,but Sun Wukong is now not so much time to think about this ,because Kong Yu was already to his first shot .This makes Sun Wukong excitement, the small, bright eyes suddenly fired two gold ,then his hands toward the hole is Yulun past .
relationresultKong Yubecause of the Jiuzilong ring and Shura Motong provide mana ,so this is a natural game ,although in the strength or not to and Sun Wukong put on a par with ,but because of the existence of the Shura Motong ,Kong Yu style is full, shares the killing and destruction of breath continuously radiates in Kong Yu ,in the imposing manner will not be lost to Sun Wukong .
relationresultBroken swordand golden collide together again ,and this time broken sword on energy almost is condensed into substance ,in such a blow ,with fragmentation ,and Kong Yu also had been knocked back ,but this time is much better ,but Sun Wukongzhen was not far away ,then it is up to .
relationresultHugepower in Kong Yu is on the move ,that Kong Yu body is subjected to the earthquake force was soon washed away, so Kong Yu can in the shortest possible time to Sun Wukong ,although again and again by Sun Wukong hit the back out ,but Kong Yu was again rushed up, eyes and eyebrows to your heart Motong is blood red ,and in Kong Yu and made a sound like a roaring beast .
relationresultSun Wukongfaced Kong Yu so crazy attack although is surprised, but still handle a situation with ease ,and by the hands of the golden Kong Yu went back ,but every time Kong Yu is the fear death once again rushed up, this is that monkey king some sidelong glance .
relationresultJust becausesee Shura Motong and makes the heart resulting disturbed ,Sun Wukong also did not want to waste time anymore, the body of mana all together, where Kong Yu once again rushed up, Ruyi Jingu Bang is smashed down to Kong Yu ,and this time the jade hand hole broken sword sword fragmentation ,golden is also hit Kong Yu Kong Yu is immediately ejected a blood, body backward inverted out .
relationresultThe blowfor Kong Yu is too powerful ,after Sun Wukong is the primitive big can condense all mana blow ,even Kong Yu had Jiuzilong ring and Shura Motong protection ,is still affected by serious injuries ,and constantly squirting blood ,body is not easy to stop ,and the rise of when, it is to see the Ruyi Jingu bang on his head . Related articles:

