
dr dre beats rt will not dare t

Heavy oh !relationresultThe 825th chapter in the family .relationresultThisafternoon, but the Zhang Jianbo bad ,from the Public Security Bureau came out, and went to the procuratorate and the court ,all tell the same words to convey his instructions ,leader .
However ,the last in a court of Mu Guoxing to convey instructions, but people do not know which one is his leader which one is he Zhang Jianbo .relationresultComrades ,Mu leader instructions ,should be strictly in accordance with law enforcement ,from strict trial Yang Jiazong race riot .
What is heavy and harsh ?Is mainly reflected in the heavy and strict this two characters .We all know that the law is a sentence ,the same case ,some can be sentenced to three years ,some can be sentenced to five years ,then what is heavy and strict ?It is in accordance with the maximum sentence of five years ,can never sentenced three years, can be sentenced to death would not death sentence .
, relationresultSecretary of municipal Party committeesuch instructions ,and communication and group ministry working group leader ,the public prosecutor, the law department heads a dare not neglect .
Especially at this point, who would dare to take their position to make fun of ?Besides ,Yang family was a bit too outrageous ,pack them it should be .relationresultThen,two days later ,the public security bureau put the case over to the procuratorate .
Procuratorate received the case ,after the hearing ,in less than three days to the court to initiate public prosecution .The court in this case after receiving the dare not neglect ,the very next day the trial of this case .
relationresultAt the trial,the court is also enforced strict limit the indication .Every weekdays are fighting ,petty have been summarized to triad gangs which kind of went .All students of the action, as long as the who at the scene said seemingly provocative words ,are as committed and the commit .
Picked up three hundred people ,there are seven or eight sentenced to death ,more than 20 people sentenced to death with reprieve, 100 people were sentenced to three to fifteen years of imprisonment .
relationresultMu GuoxingZhang Jianbo heard in the telephone to report to him ,shocked ,he also did not think of is able to judge the result .On the phone, Mu Guoxing once again said to Zhang Jianbo : to build wave comrade, I already told you ,must be strictly in accordance with the law to enforce .
Your feelings can be understood ,but the law is not a soft dough ,cannot allow the authorities to rub to knead .On a handful of criminals ,we should show no mercy to give blow .But also want to distinguish the deceived and was threatening people ,don correct crooked must pass ? , relationresultZhang Jianbodidn bootlick it once again to take on the hoof ,he was listening to a Mu Guoxing on the phone voice very dissatisfied .
But he also secretly glad that this case is not the last sentence ,which is also his years of official develop smart and slippery place, all according to the boss preferences for ., Zhang Jianbo once again took the court back to his office ,this time he did not dare to Mu Guoxing instructions to do any modification .
The president of the court also know that for many people the sentencing is overweight, but in top management instructions he dare not listen .Now he again heard the Secretary of municipal Party committee to convey his leader his heart to feel relaxed .
Maybe this time instructions ,is the real expression of his leader .relationresultHowever,the court will not dare to Zhang Jianbo ,said he turned out to be fake pass leader ,he had to go back to court again held a meeting of leading Party group ,to convey the leader .
relationresultA week later,the court open trial of Yang Jiazong race riot case ,dr dre beats,this time trying to or fair .Less than twenty of the molecular backbone by the due punishment ,the other is according to the security regulations ,the public security departments were punished by education is home .
relationresultAfter this firstattack ,Yang the in Jingxi City, which is the first of the clan force ,thorough collapse .Also let them see ,powerful state machine .The government is also not a soft dough ,kneaded rub can let them to go .
relationresultA few days later,the court also public trial with Yang Dawei gangs ,who also got their due punishment .A time of Jingxi City Public Security unprecedented improvement ,in former days flat fruit wholesale market also restored the former days noisy scene .
relationresultThe work of the groupto follow the prescribed order to carry on, this time Mu Guoxing went around the whole northern provinces twelve ground city, to know a large number of the northern province cadre ,make a few like Jing City Mayor Yan Hongwei such a good friend ,also like the Jingxi municipal Party committee secretary Zhang Jianbo this kind of incompetent cadres ,and suggests that the provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection processing like Jingxi mayor Yang Wen that officialdom scum .
relationresultWhen the lastteam ended the investigation ,return to work after the resident group ,time for the past two months .relationresultDuring this periodhe country and group of colleagues working can be said with a very good, we have recognized that Mu Guoxing is from the heart of the Central Organization Department cadres .
relationresultMu Guoxingknew that he was in the group of the time not too long ,because a few days ago fifth inspection teams have Shuai Lin gave Mu Guoxing a call ,tell him the leader is to send inspection teams for this year .
relationresultMu Guoxing breaksZhu Pengfeng ,reporting to him at this period working condition .Indeed ,Zhu Pengfeng receives a phone call is very glad to repeatedly praised ,and clear the very next day took the northern province to meet them .
relationresultZhu Pengfengcame to the northern province news ,immediately North Province provincial Party committee and provincial government of a group of people to know, and just like last time, in the provincial Party committee and Mu Guoxing went to the airport to meet Zhu Pengfeng .
This time the welcome banquet than an obvious do even better, because all of the Standing Committee of the provincial Party committee knows, the mayor and Secretary of municipal Party committee decided the fate of the moment has finally arrived .
The Standing Committee of the provincial Party committee ,who no one below the city leadership positions ,their fear and tension is understandable .relationresultThe nightafter the party, Mu Guoxing was called Zhu Pengfeng into his room ,will also hold thick a pile of material the Secretary-General leader Han Xueyan .
relationresultSee Han Xueyanout ,Zhu Pengfeng was said with a smile : Guoxing ah ,this time you really do good work .I tell you now ,I also stay here too long, the day after tomorrow will be to attend an important meeting .
The two day we two will be hard ,the cadres of the material to look again ,in provincial Party committee puts forward our appointment and dismissal suggestions ,even if the task . , relationresultZhu Pengfengspeech was not a reference to Mu Guoxing the next step is how to arrange .
See Mu Guoxing threw him to the questioning eyes ,Zhu Pengfeng smiled and said : Oh ,right, I forgot to tell you ,city level leading cadres after adjustment, you will join with me to .
, relationresultZhu Pengfenghad a drink of tea smiled ,and said: Guoxing ah, you can now become a sweet pastry ,in order to make your stay in our organization department minister ,Sun Decheng personally went to Li Zhongsheng .
The stubborn old man to a stubborn streak is eight cattle ,also cannot pull back .Strongly disagree with you in Organization Department ,also said that what was originally borrowed to help you ,now to help out, should be returned to them ! , relationresultHere,Zhu Pengfeng may think of Li Zhongsheng ,cannot help laughing up .
relationresultMu Guoxingas Zhu Pengfeng smile ,but he was thinking, that is not necessarily the sun minister and Secretary Li lawsuit so easy to do ,if he do not promise, sun secretary is to find Li Zhongsheng ,I it is not up to his purpose . Related articles:

