
Beats By Dr Dre Studio thunder Gang feels

The thunder Gang ordered to nod.
You snow smiled, that looks such as the face of fairy up peeped out two very shallow dimpleses, what matter charming heart soul, You snow looking at thunder Gang some confusing double of eyes, Xian hand and then knocked on the head of thunder Gang under:"You are really a not enough public snake to swallow elephant, you want to send out three strategies at the same time, don't say that your absolute being knows to separate first how many, and can your Gang spirit support three strategies to circulate at the same time?Once a few strategies melt to put together, consume of Gang spirit all become double long of"
Thunder Gang full face wry smile, oneself only asked under, but is encounter You snow of scold thus, exactly the whose status of a generation is big, however, the thunder Gang not only doesn't mind and on the contrary like You snow very much such, this lets the thunder Gang be melting boundary, nine You boundaries to every moment guard against the insight of others to arrive to smooth.
"If …my speed really already arrive nine Be getting more heavy?"The thunder Gang is knowing a say with smile.
You snow is one Leng, looking at thunder Gang to be different from the facial expression of seeing the fun, the facial expression unexpectedly falls grave and stare at thunder Gang way:"You really don't fool me."
The thunder Gang has no meeting son, the absolute being knows a to move, surroundings of all of the fairy stone flew and came together the in front of You snow at.
"!!"You snow sees the big stone of in front gathering suddenly exclaim, the double eyes tightly stare at thunder Gang, way:"You …you …you really have already come to a nine heavy??"
The thunder Gang is cool on smiling, ordered to nod.
"You …are you how to attain?How may?This just the decade don't arrive, this wasn't true, saw to me and was dreaming."You snow shook to shake head a way, and then knocked to knock own head, that shape very was lovely.
The thunder Gang smiling all overly looks at You snow, You snow after knocking knock his/her own head and then saw eye thunder Gang, not only mumbling way:"How to still don't wake up this dream?This how many years how always does the dream arrive him?"
The thunder Gang smells heart behind suddenly on concussing, the smiling face on the face gradually refrains from rash action and keeps to straightly stare at You snow.
In a row how many, You snow has already knocked his/her own brain to have for several times, but after finishing knocking each time see again the thunder Gang is staring at oneself, You snow heart a surprised, this really isn't a dream?Suddenly, You snow thoughts of previous words for oneself, the facial expression in a twinkling flies up twos red and dizzy, become overdo, Pie to another place.Body tiny Zhan, the powder boxing grips, awkward and shy not already.Deeply after absorbing several tones, You snow looking at thunder Gang, the way of Jiao Nu:"How does your this person so will swindle?"
Thunder Gang suddenly one Leng, wry smile repeatedly, did oneself fool you there?Is that you don't believe by yourself just.
"Oh, if you really want to weigh to match three strategies, so you set out three strategies at the same time, recite method Jue at the same time and only have when three strategies attain heavy match of, so as to attain so, however your heart must be calm, otherwise can not succeed of" finishes saying, You snow body's turning to make a ray of light disappearance is at first.
The thunder Gang looking at a disappeared figures,Beats By Dr Dre Studio, the heart is suffused with to have ripple, these in the last years, own heart came to a thus easy situation for the first time.
P:Chapter 1 …everyone's happy new year, become rich much and more, the whole family is peaceful!
Chapter 422 is heavy to match strategies
The thunder Gang dish is sat down, didn't directly try, but according to You snow say of quiet down the heart, gradual of, all of thunder Gang the whole minds press down, when the heart comes to an a status that ancient well has no wave, the thunder Gang suddenly blasts open a pair of eyes, surroundings of the fairy stone Be rapid to fly, a complicated combination strategies present, and the thunder Gang heart recites three method Jues of strategies at the same time.()
After, a short moment's thunder Gang opens a pair of eyes, three high big figures gradually present, once the absolute being soul of package fairy stone move, the fairy stone again dances in the wind, and those three figures also gradually disappear.The thunder Gang tightly stares at to hit the ground noodles, the heart contemplates.Think of oneself previous absolute being soul decoration strategies of, should be set out at the same time, because oneself recites of don't three strategies method Jues shout to just fail at the same time?
Shout three different method Jues at the same time, this how can be able to go?The thunder Gang deeply absorbed tone and again shut a double eye, recover heart down.Again opening a pair of eyes suddenly looking at and is three figures that will soon present, the thunder Gang re- breaks strategies again, afresh Ning heart.
So continuously try to do, make the blood vessels of thunder Gang in of inside the strength and the Gang annoy to consume very and quickly, end, the thunder Gang has to come to a stop and meditate to resume some kind of.
The words that thought of You snow, the thunder Gang heart inwardly thinks a way:Thoroughly fall calm the heart, how of equanimity?Own heart has been already been calm, but still can not read at the same time three different method Jues, the thunder Gang deeply absorbs tone and cautiously deliberates, suddenly, thunder Gang thought of oneself practice to open a sky of sink to immerse at of unreal territory, probably the heart at that time that just be called real equanimity.
At that moment, the thunder Gang continues to shut eye dish to sit down, the absolute being knows into that unreal of territory.This time, the thunder Gang didn't demand oneself to read three method Jues at the same time, and continue to sink to immerse in the nihilist at the same time, when is unreal of the territory will soon fall through of, thunder Gang double the eye blast open, three method Jues once kissed in the brain of thunder Gang at the same time, while the absolute being know also at this time on moving, nearby of the fairy stone dance in the wind, moment the set put together, the spiritual influence in the space suddenly vibrate, collect in the strategies, a figure gradually presents in the in front of thunder Gang.But thunder Gang felling oneself's blood vessels in of Gang spirit and inside strength in a twinkling take time to, collapse in the ground, the lookinging at of double eyes surprise takes in the just about figure of oneself's in front, height and oneself, the thunder Gang after adjusting an interest some kind of stood and cautiously conjectured this to all over spread all over red, brown, the figure in the soil Huang San Zhong's color.Although is the person's shape,combine facial features, however, the thunder Gang is also inattentive these, the heart reads a to move, these three strategies heavy match to coagulate of the puppet run about wildly toward the front but go, the speed is unexpectedly and quickly like lightning flash.
"Bang …" an earthquake rings, the double boxing of this puppet bombards at a huge tree on, sees the whole big tree bomb however one earthquake, in a twinkling crack open by explosion to open, become to cover with broken bits to drift in the sky.
The thunder Gang absorbed an air conditioner, the complexion surprise was matchless, the heart reads again on moving, that puppet once turns round rapid offend toward the thunder Gang, thunder Gang feels that a sturdy breeze is inheritted, the belly spreads huge dint, the body of thunder Gang not from fall back several steps, the heart absorbed an air conditioner, at that moment, thunder Gang double the boxing attacks at the same time and bombard at this puppet on.The puppet is several silent backsets, thunder Gang double the boxing be been rapid to again bombard puppet on, the strength obviously increases, tall and big in stature pour to fly several meters, thunder Gang again on moving, the body presents at pour to fly of puppet sky, the right foot blooms ray of light, a feet bomb on the chest of puppet.
"Ding Ding …" hears the clear and crisp and broken up voice ring out, those several hundred fairy stones blast open at the same time.And these three colourful puppets also gradually disappear and finally melt into space.
The thunder Gang slowly falls in, the dish sits on the ground, inside the instauration strength and Gang the spirit , after the test of thunder Gang, discover three strategies heavy match and become coagulate of puppet of is strength or defendoof no matter, even the speed is all bout own 30%, also be say, this puppet the one who is good enough to to resist the self-discipline of any Gang emperor, way emperor.Succeed to be heavy to match the strategies, the thunder Gang heart is naturally happily matchless.
Adjust an interest some kind of after, thunder the strength inside the Gang and Gang annoy to resume full, then consider this heavy match strategies to get up, if will five go five giant strategies to weigh to put together at the same time, afraid of power more terror.And like this of the puppet depletion work properly a stone, if oneself has enough confidence and be good enough to set out a strategies puppet battalion, regrettable, oneself hasn't gone gold and water to go realization at this time, otherwise really can try some kind of.
At this time, a figure long emergence at small say with detail a head, the thunder Gang title sees go, heart suddenly on moving, smile to sing of looking at to walk of You snow.
"Your self-discipline of how.Once try heavy match?"You snow sees thunder Gang vision utterly stare at oneself, the face is tiny and red, and the tiny Pie takes a glance and asks a way.
"H'm, have already successfully blended."The thunder Gang ordered to nod a way.
"What??"You snow smells behind one earthquake, double eyes Related articles:

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