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He showed such intrepid water property power quality ,which also is a bit too inverse days .? , relationresultJin Lingfei eyes twinkle ,he thought of a few years ago oneself in the pale purple domain looking pale domain God tank failed thing ,also think of Qin Yao longitudinal from South Savage God trough information ,a bold conjecture suddenly in his mind to emerge, don .
.. ... Bold ,give me stop ,even in the case of door ,fight ,what ,give me to law enforcement house for interrogation ! Just pay your et al unable to withstand the cold ,almost fainting when, a severe drinking suddenly came from the air ,followed by a figure from the crane jumped down ,the man was wearing his costume house of law enforcement .
relationresultSeelaw enforcement Temple disciple ,pay your et al as see the Savior, a turned rosy, their mouth a piece, then to tell Qin Yao longitudinal evil deeds .relationresultXu Jian ,you finally got here ,these people to see me is new, even attempting to seize my other homes ,you say they should he crime ? Qin days if swept to one corner of the eye ,immediately began to show a smile .
relationresultQin TianzongTemple disciple in law enforcement understanding is not much, but the Xu Jian is certainly one of them .relationresultXu Jianquality is not high ,also the Austrian entry work ,he is in law enforcement house mix Fengshengshuiqi ,with him to be all things to all men not divided ,Qin days if strong kill Prince Hao ,instead of being punished by law enforcement house ,but house main arbitrarily promoted to law enforcement Temple new elders ,it makes Xu Jian is aware of Qin Tianzong is limitless ,beats by dre studio,so in Qin days if left law enforcement to bring up the rear ,he borrowed Transfer Law Enforcement Command opportunity house ,with Qin Tianzong approached several times .
relationresultSee Qin Tianzongcan steal his previous statements and et al , the wicked to complain ,pay your not by a sneer ,face to face ,with many health for years. If not alarmed the temple elders ,law enforcement ,the small things Xu Jian not to how processing is how to deal with it ,don he can really talk to you a new sense ,in strict accordance with the law to deal with these doors ?relationresultFu Gui arounda core of a dozen students face with a real look ,three in the South China Sea Ji and Jin Lingfei is shook his head ,the Qin brother too naive ,just to put Fu Gui and others offend so hard, now the law student looking is to pay your et al ,man ,he he tried in vain to tell the truth, this is not a door ?relationresultXu Jiandid not know what had happened ,but because usually received the Fu Gui core disciples many benefits ,so that to pay expensive let up an uppity newcomers ,he will not hesitate to come out ,but also did not see clearly the situation in the field ,he first tried to law enforcement ,temple disciple identity to frighten people ,just hear that familiar voice ,he is his body ,the heart had sunk into the abyss .
relationresult(to be continued ) , relationresultThe 476th chapter spring heartbeat ,storm effect , relationresultXu ... ... Xu Jian saw Qin Presbyterian ,disciples did not know that Qin Changlao here, no time to salute, also please Qin elders ! Xu Jian stiffness for several time to breathe ,just hard turned ,respectfully on Qin Tian longitudinal Lai road .
, see Xu Jian in the Qin Yao longitudinal before reverent and respectful way, either to pay expensive core disciple ,or three of the South China Sea Ji and Jin Lingfei four people at the same time ,their eyes rounded ,almost doubt his ears out, their time was completely lost mind ,for a long time but to turn to .
Don ,you can come here ,that you still care, my heart ,these ten people will give you dispose of ,I hope you will not let me down ! Qin Tianzong saw Xu Jian face the fear ,he also lazy point Xu Jian with pay your relationship ,but smiled and greeted the .
relationresult,certainly not negative charge under Qin Changlao ,to get this thing done everything ,to ensure that the arrogant boy deserve punishment ! Xu Jian was worried that his own longitudinal Qin Yao ,Qin Tianzong did not pursue the meaning of their own, just let your punishment to pay expensive et al ,he suddenly feel a sense of relief ,light-hearted ,heart to Qin Tianzong appreciate also incapable of further increase .
Xu Jian ,you ... ... Hear the words of Xu Jian ,pay you finally understand what was happening ,think all sorts of cruel punishment enforcement temple ,his mouth is a ,then to Xu Jianpan .
relationresultJustnow Xu Jian how can let pay your voice ?Pay your mouth a piece, was to slap Xu Jian snapped ,closely followed by Xu Jianzhao Qin Tianzong from a plainclothes cuff ,swing, Fu Gui and others to take .
relationresultXu Jian tookFu Gui away for a long time, the South China Sea three Ji and Jin Lingfei come what had happened ,they look weird at Qin days if not speak ,seem to want from Qin Tianzong who find flowers .
relationresultI say a number of sister and brother ,although I am law enforcement Temple elders ,you don look at me ,while I new fall Granville ,as to my new house and sit down for a while ? , relationresultQin Tianzongnaturally know law enforcement identity how scary house of elders ,so for three of the South China Sea Ji and Jin Lingfei response was not angry ,but affectionately called road .
relationresultWe are now supposed to call you long Qin old ?Or should we call you his brother? , relationresultQin brother, you are not generous ,when you are law enforcement Temple elders ,but don tell us your identity ,but let us be always on tenterhooks for you for a long time, you say how can you pay for it ? , relationresultPay your et al.
Also it ,thought originally picked up a soft persimmon pinch ,but hit the iron ,it is they are .However ,if the Qin he began play law enforcement Temple elders identity ,I want to pay you ,not to eat so much suffering ? , relationresultHearthe words of Qin Tianzong ,three in the South China Sea Ji eyes turned on Qin Tianzong ,a vent their dissatisfaction .
relationresultAnd Jin Lingfei ishis mouth twitched ,half a day after the spit out two words : metamorphosis ! , relationresultAlthoughthree of the South China Sea Ji and golden Ling Fei mouth angry with Qin Tianzong ,but their hearts are admires Qin Tianzong too ,with Qin Tianzong making mind more intense .
relationresultYou knowJin Lingfei and three in the South China Sea Ji is from the family protection out join Yanyun ,is to get rid of the family create a cause of their own ,but enter Yanyun cases ,all of them brought four of them, will subconsciously to them on their family of labels ,and ignored them, which made three in the South China Sea Ji and Jin Lingfei four personal pain .
relationresultIn order tochange their views on others ,three in the South China Sea Ji and Jin Lingfei did not like Prince Wu Nayang in Yanyun case within patronage, swagger before others ,but to earn faction contribution and painstaking practice, it is because of this, they can to Prince Wu Yibu was promoted to the Austrian entry levels ,and Prince Yan Yunzong disciple Hao became the leading core .
relationresultThree of the South China SeaJi and Jin Lingfei practice and case door status over Prince Wu, they subconsciously relieved ,think four people in New should be fully deserve the first person, just witnessed Qin days if shown after all ,they were deeply stimulus ,then they will get when Qin Tianzong Granville himself to go beyond the new targets and others .
relationresultQin Tianzongdid not know that Jin Lingfei and three in the South China Sea Ji ,he just thought it was the four man days proud ,and conduct a good ,worthy of their intercourse only, so the South China Sea three Ji and Jin Lingfei invited to the other, living room ,he of the four individuals with no half a slight ,but abnormal passion to communicate with them spiritual points ,until they are satisfied ,Qin days if only closed-door practice . Related articles:

