
Monster Beats WhatThe one feel

The time that is vexed, I am still not really habitual."Zhang Hua nods to toward those the second victors of game 11 of nod regards, all over the face of smile.
Idiocy!The all in mind such evaluation way of all people.
The third had a competition to also formally start, wanted to keep on for each time of longer Be getting more some, because leave come of be a veteran warrior of superior, but everyone all on the contrary start to be careful, although promoting and becoming rich is very good, , cast away here to the life now not good.
A combat of field is continuously to keep on, the joy of the victory, failed of displeased, there is also colourful drinking of on-looker, the whole deck of flagship on is all kind of hot fire dynasty the atmosphere in sky surround.
When noon of the sun is hotly cruelty to start with all strength of time, all audiences lose of most of fascinations, beat wet clothes in the sweat, at seem the deck of steamer on, the last field of game started.
When everyone looking at to take place of two opponents, immediately roar with laughter, "ha ha, boy, admitted defeat to calculate, can also keep a x the ì ng life, admire aha!!"
"Ha ha, boy, have backbone, hurry to give° the ovum of that black bear to kick to explode!Ha ha!"
The audiences on all sides start creating a big noise.
After all, 2 people of anti- bad is at a lot too big.
Part, very small shape, although Zhang Hua has one meter seven or so, contrast opposite black bear, exactly the height of three meters, really is should use small come to describe.
Looking at to grow up very fair complexion Zhang Hua, none of the persons is optimistic about this cultured guy.
But another 100, this is a slave who kills people likes flies, black bear.
The black bear wasn't a slave in the beginning and accurately said, the black bear was joining the time of red electricity sea thief's regiment, with lend oneself violent hand to hand fight ability, then became a squad piece, is also the time in test, was set up formally by the red electricity captain to grow for the sake of x-rated water.
But, original prospect greatly good black bear after drinking alcohol at a time, living to rarely give° four sea thieves whom oneself meet to knock down in the ground, three die one physically disabled.
So, none of the persons thinks that what this has a competition to have to hang something to read.
Especially, just with black bear at the second old sea thief who had a competition, but always all at sea thief in of often won general, but was this kind of old bird, also at was just livinged by the black bear to rarely tear to pieces.
The assize of the game is exactly a youth of red dress, while this Lee Cha's under charge confidant has no of hesitation, take a silk to ponder on the face of smile an idea, heavily shout a way, "beginning!"
Almost didn't give Zhang Hua for any reaction time.
"……" Black bear 1 explodes to drink and take one handle the huge sword and a shield then rushed at Zhang Hua's place.
Almost have no of hesitant, the Mao Ca is a , the mauser pistol in Zhang Hua Shou then as if magic general last Tang.
Touch, be, the very small lead plays malicious shoot at the right tu ǐ of black bear on, Zhi Zhi, an irritating to the ear fricatives, pitiful black bear direct 1 stumbles, at rough of deck on came a to eat the mire to the bad dog.
"Oh, interesting!"Zhang Hua's eye pupil constringency for a while, then the body form start exploding to back, because of, just of one gun, don't broke through the small tu ǐ of black bear, but just that the one resulted in is green purple.
Gao Gao's grandstand on, the red electricity noodles is expressionless to ask own left Bang of 2 people of better arm, "you think who will win!?"
Ask words to the chief, ball ball a burst of irony of face of the fat Du Du, "that person who wants to see a Feng set of lucky not good."
Talk the idea of bottom, if the Feng set didn't control breath, affirmation will lose.
"Ha ha, ball elder sister Qiu is to play trick, so obvious affairs can not see, can't because eyes are too small, drive eyelid to block!"The voice of Li Cha that Dia spirit rings out, although don't speak a thick, direct Chuo in the mind wound of ball ball.
"You ……seek dead!"Say, the body of ball ball starts becoming big.
"Like, sit down!"One silk is helpless to rise at the face of red electricity up, obstructed the hair violent wind of ball ball, the red electricity again concentrated on to looking at the black hair man in the field.
One silk Yi hu ò rises in the heart of red electricity and have what,Monster Beats, this black hair man to own felling some dissimilarity, but, exactly what red give or get an electric shock and don't know how to say it.
When the black bear distressly climbed to prepare to living to tear to pieces this damned black hair man's time, but discovered that the other party exactly left being apart from of his/her own 20 meterses.
"Roar!"1 explodes to roar, the black bear again hurtled up.
Touching is again one gun, "……" a black bear for bellowing again falls on the ground, although there is no harm, , being a personses will have fire of, especially the black bear is this temper for bursting.
The anger hates of climb, "die!"Along with the roars, the huge sword in the hand mercilessly tosses to black hair man.
Zhang Hua seem early already anticipate generally, a side body, one jilts a hand, not only once hide of take relentless the huge sword of Wei power, and almost at the same time, the mauser pistol in the hand again last Tang completes.
Touch, the pitiful black bear again falls on the ground.
H'm, this time, the tu ǐ of the black bear upper-class blood.
What?The one feels suspicious in the heart of black bear, why, before numerous combats of time, the mauser pistol blast-off of those pirates comes out of the hair hair egg beat at the body on always have never got hurt, don't even say to bleed, but, at present bullet of this black hair guy why meeting shot harm oneself?
Proper the black bear doesn't understand of time, bang, bang, bang, the irritating to the ear gun rings ring get up.
One is bad cold, the beginning rises Teng but rises in the heart of black bear, the cold sweat of whole body, at the same time run off.
The first is more!Beg a subscription, beg a ticket, beg to collect, thanks!
Chapter 449 red electricity sea thief's regiment
Looking at black bear that face incredible facial expression, Zhang Hua Wei is tiny on smiling, why will get hurt?
Zhang Hua holds a very small shot put in hand, then, a calories gobbles up since then, later on shot put of a carried to gradually change into a sharp point of streamlined..
Yes, although mentality still has metal remarkable talents be all sealed to print overwhelming majority, , this kind of printing to seem to be not is too complete, or, Zhang Hua's total ability exceeded to seal to print of the biggest value.
But outrun of some metal remarkable talents, although don't arrive, , change the shape of the bullet in the hand pour all of a sudden is have no the slightest a problem, include extremely high soon ascend the way of bullet, all because used this kind of remarkable talent to extreme limit.
Directly at up the part of Tang open a hole, then ascended into the bullet of variation, then at applied metal remarkable talent close revivification breakage of part.
Thus, the other people may need time of the last bullet of more than 40 seconds most quickly, in Zhang Hua's hand, 0.1 all don't need.
Pass by how of reformation, basically come to a the defense extreme limit of black bear that uncanny skin.
But, can not break his body, either how.
However, Zhang Hua feels unexpectedly metal remarkable talent is still some surplus, but own mentality too very the ball impossibly and completely disappear, although completely could not feel too very ball and turn the existence of absolute being achievement method, , imagination for a while always can of!
So, Zhang Hua's imagination gets up, then function in minimum of, is also the most simple application.
Imagine a complete function in double eye on, then ……
"Du, player Zhang Hua, acquire technical ability, eagle eye Shu!"
"Eagle eye Shu, the sight promotes a hundred per cent, the dynamic state sense of vision promotes 100%, the function keeps on for ten minutes times Related articles:

