
Beats by Dr Dre studio o come to a seafood

??".Lin Zi Wen's wry smile."Listen to yours!!".Although it is said is this affirmation what Zhang Yi Zhu takes out money.Just chew this gold to make Lin Zi Wen think have a little very strange.
"It is all right.That is to come to a seafood whole Yanses., Isn't very good??".Zhang Yi Xin Chou had to settle to calculate in the heart of one eye.
"Good!!".Three my daughters living rapture.Zhang Yi Xin closes lightly lips a smile."So drink a point what.Wanting don't dessert!!".
"Want!".Together the voice of three girls sings."
"That good!!", Zhang Yi Xin beckons with the hand to make the waitress come over.Lightly speak a few lines at her ear.That waiter smiles to repeatedly nod.Once connected menu the treating of facing each other side said again severals beat hair he to walk.
Soon the royal feast was to start.Lobster, abalone, sea crab, shark's fin, fresh shell, eel ……complete with everything.These animals originally should be what Lin Shi's sister on TV sees in the ocean world of machine.However all arrived at now front of.And all enthusiasm pretty much, prosperous at steaming hot pot of pot of in send to come up.Three my daughters living with boundless joy.Started exterminating a struggling of enemy.
Lin Zi Wen then has a little a gape.When the glass that sees a shallow color engraves a flower to revolve have already had the half heap the top in the table, and still have a way vegetables vegetables to send to come in behind.Be more and more feel there is the necessity to ask.
"Yi heart also has how many??".
"H'm??".Zhang Yi Xin is getting more blurred.However recruit to need on asking.She again is beam with joy."Stop worrying.Purple line, altogether have 36, just ascended now 20 …… .Come.This fresh shell soup is very fresh!!".She the abundant concern ground send to soup to send water for Lin Zi Wen.Lin Zi Wen then didn't talk, 36 ……
However she soon also not much thought.Forget it.The daughters are all so happy.This time be be excessive some.Next time next time ……can in no way ascend this kind of again super star class wine shop.The heart Central plains forgave from already.Father Lin smiled an idea such as the breeze and started to copy that copper chopsticks to start joining war situation.
Just they care cheerful positive Han, and the seafood whole Yanses haven't sent to all come up.The door was pushed away.It is a young man of headwaiter to walk to come in to is a to youngly imitate.He was a stem first to cough 1.After reminding the guest of whole field.Naturally pinned up on the noodles stereotyped smiling face.Gong next body.
"Five guests of high regards,Beats by Dr Dre studio.For thanking you to us every day the patronage of the fresh wine shop.This wine shop decision is five honored guests to additionally add two course of vegetables again.Is a rose to inebriate shrimp respectively, fresh shell fish ball, hoping 5 can be used to heart's content.Eat happily!!".He smiles ground a wave hand.Walk into again from the side of door a hold small box of waitress.
"This wine shop is holding to draw prizes an activity at a time.Wait a prize especially be acquire a month dining of this wine shop free.One etc. prize to is an and electric appliances.Accessit be ……"just he hasn't finished saying.Also realizing is something wrong.His words are also to say a lot, why do the guests all have no to mean at 1:00.
"Rather ……rather the elder brother is you!!".Lin Xiao is quiet to lose a voice first to call to get up.Immediately after other four people were to make a noise in succession.
"Is you!!".This sentence has a kind of Xing Xing however of meaning in win.That is the voice that traverses small Die.She still persists the lobster that juice water sprinkles Li now.
That poise is extraordinary, the person is also plentiful absolute being stunned speechless such as the young man of jade.He just sees pure to sit on the table now of public.A hopes to go and unexpectedly is that so to acquaint with.Ms. Zhang, Lin Zi Wen, Lin Xiao Mei, Lin Xiao is quiet.There is also that bond maid ……
Fiercely recall and come.His eyes have a little hot.However he resumed normal again right away.Friendship however on smiling,
"It is five.That was too good.Small Wei!!".He turns head to living a way to the."Return to stick down, this 324 guests.Offer a 50% discount.I half!!".
"Take care of yes and rather!!".Several individuals all echo to say.
After waiting until the subordinate answer.Rather may smile to just start saying "hello".
"Purple line., Ms. Zhang, how are you, small beautiful small quiet, you are also good!!Want not to miss me!!".He has already neglected to traverse small Die intentionally.
All of four people should are good in succession.Is momentary just they didn't know what beginning.Lin Zi Wen looking at at present this confidence is hundred percent.Huan however a lately was like to change a person.A wash a past decadently and rather may.Suddenly the flash across in heart is a phrase.
It is filled with a thousand regrets.Is filled with a thousand regrets!!

Eight telephones

In fact they are to have no how many times with rather may communicate, because rather may at with public after beating hello, be go out to invite other guests.Lin Shi the sister and small dies all drew prizes.The result is only small quiet won a No. 3 quality prize.That is a silvery stars that hangs that Christmas treetop in the down stairs hall.After needing to take that stars to come up.
Several individuals all to rather may of come across to feel surprising, three smallly still have some excitements, hence the Ji Ji Zha Zha ground said good short while.
However they ring it up in the end.Indeed as expected is that dining accept half.After coming out room.Step in that red of loosen a soft carpet up.The detection rather may be standing outside, smiling to looking at them.
"Do not know a few dinings whether the delectation is smooth, if have what circumstance.Can respond to this wine shop.This wine shop with all sincerity contributes efforts to the honored guests!!".His complaisance is said with impeccable attitude.
However the owners all smiled.Small Die light tone Du Nong 1:"Pack!!".Just everyone intentionally neglect pass by.
"Went.Rather ……Sir.You still don't like this and too bind by formalities in acquaintance's in front!!!".Zhang Yi Xin says with smile, "be really don't thought of, incredibly can meet with you here, see appearance rather the Sir is extremely proud of success that!!".
"Ms. Zhang the United States talked.Has no him this to be just a thin job!!".Rather may look mature and steady weigh a lot."Severals please here!!".
He fore the noodles leads the way.Five people are to realize here is rather may of work place, should not be detailed to talk with him.All no longer say, rather may keep sending to five people to spread a building outside.
"Is surprisingly you incredibly work here, how, lead how??".Lin Zi Wen says that in fact this need not ask.Because from come out those who treat and waiter to rather may of polite attitude can see.Rather may get equal respect here.
"This is to find out one good owner!!".A come out.While rather maying ascend be have no at in of steady heavy.Smiled on the Lin Zi Wen's shoulder to clap bottom."Feed.How.Purple line, the quite a few day disappears.Was fat to still keep losing, let me embraced to try a weight!!".He with open arms made a posture.Lin Zi Wen stays back an one step.Shake head wry smile.Indeed as expected the man's natural character is difficult to change!!
Lin Shi's sister is to smile happily ground to enjoy a play.Traverse small Die tiger to then have an eye.Zhang Yi Xin is tiny tiny a smile.The body put to come over.Covering rather may be getting better.
"Like, rather Sir, not be playing trick!!".
"I am to know that Ms. Zhang can't stand by with folded arms of, purple line.You but find out a……Hey Hey ……".He sees Zhang Yi Xin have a little upset, hence swallow second half sentence.Turn but talked to small quiet small United States.
"Is small beautiful small quiet, we meeteach other again.Next meet noodles.We again sleep and say some whispers not very good!!".Lin Shi's sister is red face to hide backward.But traversed small Die then to scold 1 in the part:"Sex maniac!!".Rather may the side eye hoped her for a while, the smile doesn't talk.He is idea to ignore this my daughter to living especially.
Smile to make a short while empress.Rather may still need to go to work.Hence the positive color says:"It is all right.The words are to make reference to here.Hereafter everyone if want to seek my words.Get here come become.Conveniently pull a guest, in the next week since.We the fresh wine shop want to hold to face a spring special big reward activity every day, all consumptions offer a 30% discount.Each honored guest wants to patronize much and more.At under is also a humble effort to the utmost, is severals Related articles:

