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. relationresultYou ... ... Why don grab ! Hear the words of Qin Tianzong ,the stream in the master face was black with anger ,she repressed to big growl .relationresultXu Xiu ,we go ! Qin Tianzong the elder sister indifferent glance at a glance, turned away .
relationresultAlthough Xu Tingyeto think constantly of Jinsheng fruit ,but think of Qin days if kill decisive means ,she still didn dare to resist Qin Tianzong command .relationresultOK ,you win .
But I have a request ,if the back shadow poison to teach students for us anything ,you can not look on unconcerned ,and to help deal with shadow poison to teach students . See Qin Tianzong decided to go back, big sister like a deflated balloon in general ,she quickly got hold of the Qin Yao longitudinal ,once again giving Qin Tianzong eight Jin can fruit .
relationresultYou do not know how many hands Jinsheng fruit ? , relationresultTheginseng moisten fruit into the storage ring ,Qin days if looked at in a stream of big sister , pay no heed to .
relationresultHearthe words of Qin Tianzong ,the stream in the big sister foot a hitch ,almost directly down ,beats by dre pro,she gave the Qin days if one eye ,took the Xu to leaves to talk to ,the other eleven cases the disciple was strange to see Qing Qin days if one eye ,close at the big sister .
relationresultDo not know theshadow poison teach disciples are otherwise arranged ,or they fear to help students with Xifeng stream were disciples together, they don up .relationresultButthe stream of religious disciples did not leave the Xifeng help team ,with big sister say they now pay enough money ,Xifeng help has the responsibility to protect their end .
relationresultQin Tianzongwas more of a boost around ,he won this stream in more than a dozen beautiful woman to give away ,and the stream in the big sister is a very clever girl .relationresultThe stream ofcases with disciple way a Yin time, Qin vertical-day slowly learned the stream in the big sister is called Yuan Xiwen, this year twenty with two ,Austrian soul exit peak state quality ,strength with original Yingwei not much difference between the other eleven cases ,the stream of pupils, six Austrian gauge throughout the friars ,five congenital State Warriors ,they deal with the Golden Snake died during the six rebellion but are all congenital realm of warrior .
relationresultYuan SJ ,your team is so strong, need not join us ah ,why you would give twelve Jin can fruit to we ? On the road, Xu to hear leaf irrepressible heart curiosity asks .
relationresultXu Xiu ,why our team started would die five people ,the rest of the dozen are not injured or badly injured ,and your team although less powerful than we ,but flawless and perfect it - Yuan Xiwen did not answer directly to Xu Tingye, but asked with smile .
relationresultThat is because Zheng Shixiong prevented us to rob ... ... Xu Tingye consciously saying this ,her face is not revealed see light suddenly look .relationresultThe otherteam desperately but gets nothing ,his team is on the far side of the theatre ,was as easy as blowing off dust got twelve Jin can fruit ,Zheng Shixiong was too much ?relationresultXu Xiu ,can you tell me about your brothers the Zheng thing ,I against him is very curious ,blood hand Ying Yuanfei so much ,but he gave the order to beat ,your team strength is obviously better raw brother ,why you have but one only Zheng Shixiong follow sb.
? Yuan Xiwen saw Xu to leaves eyes looked at Qin days if her obsession ,yanzhuyizhuan ,asked softly .relationresultThis ... ... This ... ... Hear the words of Yuan Xiwen ,but Xu Tingye did not know how to answer is good, after all, Qin days if secrets she could not be revealed ,or else who knows what happens ?relationresultYuan SJ ,shouldn ,I suggest that you still do not ask for good .
When Yuan Xiwen lips move, ready to explore the Qin days if secret, a cold voice suddenly in her ear ,gave her a fright .relationresultHe left us for dozens of feet distance ,how could hear our words ? Yuan Xiwen looked at Qin Tianzong direction at a glance ,see Qin vertical-day is poorly stared at his face ,she is surprised to mouth slightly open ,heart lifted tempestuous waves .
relationresultKnowing that Yuan Xiwenwas talking to Xu Tingye when it is whispered ,even around a few steps away from the people around can not hear clearly they muttered something, but Qin Tianzong seemed to hear .
For Yuan Xiwen himself ,she was sure he could never in dozens of feet distance hear such fine sound .relationresultDo the Zheng Yuansong work not surface as it seems only Austrian gauge throughout the work ,in fact he arcane blast gas exit exit even Austrian monk ? Experience of Qin days if knowledge of God .
After Yuan Xiwen ,the heart not by much out such a conjecture .relationresultIf youlet Yuan Xiwen know about Qin Tianzong magical knowledge coverage is far more than a little distance, but the area of dozens of years ,estimated she had direct gone syncope .
relationresultA warning to Yuan Xiwen. After Qin day ,even if no longer pays attention to Xu Tingye he constantly with the knowledge of God in search of a circumference a few lis within the movement, for him, the qualifying is very boring ,after all, to participate in the selection of most of the people are innate State peak realm monk ,or esoteric realm for repairing soil ,Austrian gas exit quality more ,less and less .
relationresultWithQin Tianzong now Allgens environmental well-being, he toils space within almost all seckill .relationresultThe reason why Qin Tianzonginsisted to try space ,one of the reasons is that in order to further Xu Chang human ,after all, Xu Chang not only conceal his identity ,is to help him fend off a lot of trouble :relationresultAnotherreason is the Qin days if heard of the small world is from the demon tribe cut and come ,small world inside the overrun ,releasing ,order restraining need to absorb a lot of evil, Qin Tianzong is rushed to the beast .
relationresult(to be continued ) , relationresultThe 396th chapter .relationresultEmpty cutting ,good means ,did not think of South bully day retreat hundreds of years finally again .. , relationresultThousands of years ago in the war ,our Yaozu although heavy casualties, but the Terran is Pyrrhic victory only, they are not getting much cheaper ,South bully day this time to disrupt our demon clan revival, is absolutely impossible .
, relationresultSouth bully day is the means ,but they also how we evil spirit race in the same invincible ,but we have calculated the South bully day every act and every move .South bully day since dare from Yaozu cutting a small world for Yan Yunzong student selection ,he will make Yan Yunzong choose students psychological preparation for the whole army was wiped out ! , relationresultMilliondemon hill ,a magnificent; ornate; fascinating buildings, more than a dozen Lich King in the Grand Hall in the knee and sat .
relationresultCentral hall,dozens of scantily clad Banshee rise and dance in a happy mood ,so the temptation of arc ,which more than a dozen Lich King from time to time to pull out after his side banshee ,in them act recklessly and care for nobody to grab a few ,laughed again to feed them a spirit of fruit ,it put them away .
relationresultSouth bully day aways ,but not to he cut the void ,was we found ,and we also secretly made a move ,let us million demon hill the Lich King can everfount into the void ,wanton slaughter the void to try the Terran disciple .
If you say those big school and family disciples and a small world inside all died in vain ,South bully day the old guy how to other major sects and family account ? One of the Lich King guffawed white head .
relationresultSt wise ,South bully day originally wanted to undermine our Yaozu strength ,for several years after the catastrophe of the Terran to prepare ,he does not know that just Related articles:

