
Monster Beats reserved to tell y

Is less than Reverend ,ranked second ! Say ,you look what I have .Since Bella the girl moved me to tell you .That is to say you are a nice guy ,if it too difficult ,or information is very valuable ,I can consider to help you or the corresponding news to tell you .
Although Shi Fenlan was not pleased ,but do not know the charm of Xiao Hua played a role ,or because he was introduced to Bella ,at least in the discourse on the history of Finland .Also do not make things difficult for him .
relationresultTo listen to said Miss Bella ,you have to study skills ! , relationresultYou want to know a certain skill upgrade the way or method ? History of Finland to Xiao Hua ,eyes squint !relationresultNice.
Xiao Hua nodded .relationresult,but I can only give you a skill information .And according to the information you want to know the skills ,I also need you to help me do something I can send messages to you .
Shi Fenlan is very direct and said .relationresultThe third,innovation week recommended votes !relationresultThe 168th chapter ,relationresultNo problem ,do not know the history of fen !The master can be heard is false as his heart skills ? Xiao Hua is no objection ,just want to finish as soon as possible history mission of Finland ,skill acquisition information ,then wash clean ratio left the black fog city .
relationresultThe real false ? Shi Fenlan in the eyes reveal a puzzled look .relationresultShi Fenlan thought for a moment,or shook his head and said: the impression that there is no seen the skill of .
But there are many skills in different places have different names ,you can use it to me to have a look ,if I see the circuitous, will never forget ! , relationresultFalse image!relationresultHear thehistory of Finland said ,Xiao Hua immediately is called false image .
relationresultThis is the history of Finland at two as like as two peas figure ,the eye is not narrowed , Oh ,this is the original skills .No wonder hear skills of mind when had a strange feeling .
relationresultTheskills I have ever seen ,but the name is not clear ,the past around the mainland when Alan .An accidental opportunity ,I went into a mysterious village ,the village has a lot of people have this ability .
The village has a very strange custom and belief .Although I strenuous effort ,but still cannot from villagers in the tiny bit of information . , relationresultDoes the history master of Finland ,how to want ability to the village ? Xiao Hua saw the skill upgrade is expected ,not by quite exciting asked .
relationresultHey ,I but experienced go through untold hardships to reach the village ,of course, is not simply to give it to you !But as long as you help me to do a thing, I take everything we know not reserved to tell you ! Svenlan key is shut one ,but hey hey laugh .
relationresult,please master Svenlan although commanded ! In order to upgrade the false image ,a mountain under the pan he will go !relationresultYou are from the black fog city over the bar ,in the black fog city west, there is a castle ,Feng castle lived a woman named Hassan ,and the woman is my enemy, so long as you help me take the women killed ,let alone in a information .
It is the three of four ,I would consider ! History of Finland eyes narrowed ,seems to think of what the past .relationresultMrs. Hassan?relationresultXiao Huacorner of the eye by a jump ,and then is not a smile .
Who is it .With his capability now ,there is still a chance of .While Mrs. Hassan is very ill, but he does not consume undead she ,but the problem is now in his hands is also connected to lady Hassan awarded the task ,killed Mrs.
Hassan will be the consequences? , relationresultTo be honest,Xiao Hua is not clear ,there may be many ,but eventually will results in two ,one is his main task all right ,two is the mainline mission directly determine failure ,which one is more likely to ,natural only tried to know ,but Xiao Hua is obviously not to try ,fail ,to say nothing of his grade I to fall directly back to the edge ,shadow shoes is recovered ,it is to save his life !relationresultThe history of Finland ,master ,Hassan lady I have ever seen .
She is a very powerful assassins ,I a little thief .I can .Can you change a thing ? Xiao Hua head sweat to history of Finland for a supply of sth. ,change a task ,in addition to this task ,he is really what tasks are acceptable !relationresultThis I can ,you try, anyway you want to kill that woman ,or anything ! Svenlan is resolute and decisive say ,breath not negotiable .
relationresultstrength enough to come again ! A deliberation, Xiao Hua still couldn .Decided to put the mainline mission completed ,and then back to the black fog city to do the task .
Body is hung 8 points ratio .After two days ,Xiao Hua is desperate to kill monsters and washing combined natural value ,as long as the outside, away with unlike black fog city so occlusion ,he would not have such passive started to worry about ,like Mrs Hassan said the worst case .
Let people completed the first chapter of the main line of the task is not knowing .relationresultTwo days in thefamiliar with the new equipment and new attribute .In a deliberate control, Xiao Hua brushes the strange efficiency significantly ,each dog successfully wash point Geng ,down two days ,only 8 points .
relationresultThe backpack of thepoison has a light ,Xiao Hua put a proper level mobs to kill again ,ready supply .Chocobo in the upgrade to the 2 grade mounts ,speed suddenly and quickly a lot in the phantom ring speed up ,now back and forth supply spent time shortens greatly, this is Xiao Hua the two day vision value speed is one of the reasons .
relationresultThroughseveral groups of monsters ,the front is a rocky Canyon ,looked far ahead ,Xiao Hua eyes suddenly narrowed .These days in von level place to wash ratio ,can occasionally see a game player like him in the strange brush wash view of value ,but are generally one or two individuals ,we see people ,will consciously pull far distance ,that is never occurred to view things to .
relationresultBut then,in front of the canyon ,there are three individuals in more than the !relationresultXiao Hua is nowone can value ,the dog bite the fact is not ignored in blade ,is preparing to leave the long friends is a household ,which the Zen said back to his assassin body turned face ,then let him see be crystal clear .
relationresultPrick the vast ?Is he ?This guy also black fog city ? A clear view of the person Xiao Hua is not a little surprised and said .relationresultThe two person ,should not be more difficult ! And the thorn must ratio is a hefty assassin with a thin Archer ,thorn is in the hefty assassin and Archer joint attack, who popped up hurt .
Although the old thorn must have a half ,technology and equipment are also good ,but I get less than two minutes to fall ,in two people at the recovery agents ,not quite used .relationresultWithXiao Hua now attack ,directly over a stealth crit ,direct seconds off each other one is not a problem ,but Xiao Hua was unable to do so ,he had to have scruples, if the other party is also has the assassin who killed a badge .
He may also play a day to wash this damn ratio .relationresultLooking at thethorn must temporarily not hang up .Xiao Hua immediately under the Chocobo ,toward three people sneak past .
relationresult,don !Otherwise, even you don let go ! In addition to cope with the assassin with undivided attention Archer attack thorns must also found no Xiao Hua outside .Another two people are to see Xiao Hua .
See Shaw Huajin by stealth, appeared to come ,beats by dre studio.The assassin was fierce to hefty immediately air shouted .relationresultXiao Hua is thematter so much, he could not kill the two people ,but it does not mean that two people can !relationresultArchersee the situation is not far away in the palace ,near the location of Chinese enter stealth shot a explosive arrows . Related articles:

