
Monster Beats f small of time Roo

After saying severals, beat deliver him leave behind.His walking into Lin Zi Wen that is small to smallly transact the indoor.
"Purple line.What is up worth so happy??".His tone as much as ever sets up for nature and imitates to freely say.
"H'm, " she raises head.But is saw Zhang Bo going.Smiled for a while, it was this to would be to explain because the second day was two her in home the birthdays that my daughter livings.Then she got a brainwave to go to send out invitation to Zhang Bo.
"Mr. Zhang, can you accept to come??".
"This!!".Zhang Bo goes to think of Lin Shi's sister, those two female senior high school students, with full intention medium feel a bit sorry, and he is also the invitation that smiles Ying Ying to Lin Zi Wen to refuse now, hence noded to promise down.
He returns to later on from have already transacted the indoor, suddenly also feel whole body easy, start to do an affair is also a light Jie Be getting more.According to the rules, his one breath will on that day the task of the office desk a sweep but light.Then raise head and look form, incredibly just don't arrive at 3:00.
When Lin Zi Wen left company while waiting until to get off work at 5:00.Discover Zhang Bo going is also follow together.
"Mr. Zhang so early gets off work??".In the former habit, Zhang Bo goes is always don't so early get off work.
"H'm.There is no another matter.Not is to say your younger sister, they tomorrow lead a birthday, my plan takes to choose a good gift today, otherwise can be with bare hands coming tomorrow!!".Zhang Bo goes to smile to say.
".So that's why!!".Lin Zi Wen hears this matter, he stays in the mind, also very touched.
"Rather and so, Mr. Zhang.I didn't also pick a good gift, rather we pick together how, everyone can also three know well three detailed!!".Lin Zi Wen says.Zhang Bo goes to certainly match intention, hence 2 people is to match to together walk.
Lin Zi Wen originally intends the birthday gift that send is a big box of of the cartoon history Nu compare porcelain accidentally, that box of fully have up to 100 different porcelain puppy of acting like thises.Lives to work properly vivid.She sees and sees.It is very happy.
"They loved to read a mean person book in childhood, a peanut, the etc. cartoon of tinkling Doraemon.A cry to mean person book to them, they don't cry.The Zheng wore small eyes to see.Sometimes they also draw a very quite good animal figure of head.".Lin Zi Wen says with smile.
Paid money of 70%.Then order storekeeper 6:30 p.m. tomorrow want to send to this big box appointed location.
"I want to give them a surprise.Mr. Zhang, do you say to send these to match for them to be unsuited to??".
"I think that they will definitely like it's impending!!".Zhang Bo goes to from the bottom of the heart say.
Lin Zi Wen listenned to in high spirits.Zhang Bo goes to see her this to be full of happy with from the happy appearance.Cannot help but saying with smile:"Purple line, you so with quiet attention notice them since the childhood, don't know how you attained.You always don't become is their mother."
"How can,Monster Beats??".Lin Zi Wen shakes head to say with smile."In fact aren't they well either to treat to wait.Think they in those early years of small of time .Root still not born nature.I just coaxed this to stop.There again call.Sometimes a day they all have an ability from early cry till night, I at that time even fed rice to also feed to cannot compare with.Sit two at them, just pay upper arm doze, start to sign ear to listen to.A hear they weep and cry, awake right away ……".
The front door of her feelings temporarily also opens and and is hard to close.Say a bit surgingly.However is overflowing with happy and fine.
Zhang Bo goes some women that foolishly hope this deeply drunk in the statement and the recollection.
She is how to look after to these two female kids, at that time Lin Zi Wen's wanting come to be not big either.She affirmation suffered many injustices with in distress situation.However she still kept standing down.Just now, the female kid grew up.However she probably mouth up can't say, but heart in is more doubly at love.
She a so some years to person, easy.
If another person likes them, and can integrate into them.Whether is also very fine.
He the Tu ground thoughted of from already of younger sister.In the brain but float situation like this.Lin Zi Wen pulls Zhang Yi Xin's hand, their both sides is again each the small hand that pull a female kid.These four combinations walk on the avenue in morning together ……
He shook to shake head, felt from have already canned not keep on thinking again.From get rid of this viewpoint already still quickly a brain be.
*********************************The beautiful person's partition line********************************
But at this time empress soon, Zhang Yi Xin is in quick time standing down a sedan, Anne Tony Ao.Moxa Mr. Lun affably stands on the part.Have already opened a car door for her.
"Oh, thank!!".She well-manneredly says.At she after death noodles, her house utterly loyal housemaid Su Lin then is also politely follow one Gong body.
"Don't mention it!!Anne Ms. Li!!".The moxa Lun is one to have a little an awkward and shy young person.Have a head of Su the hair of the color, eyes are almond colors, the lips have a little deep red.Wrist but is soft.He at too the hot day still wear very neatly, meticulous.On this day in, be keep constant like this.
Some person's sons that look down upon him, absolutely is like noodles of Zhang Yi Xin almost could go fetch to carry to have operation to slice to eat just.However certainly can't express on the face of it.In fact she still have to try very hard to pack the appearance that has good will to the other party now.
At the thought of this absurd affair, from have already thought cachinnation-Just could not smile.
The other party is that one is very introverted, very may 100 nones is used of contain a gold spoon the boy of the birth.Sky, the father incredibly introduces this kind of person for her.
However the moxa Lun is a person of docile amity is have no wrong.However that has what use, Zhang Yi Xin still keeps looking down upon him.
Get appreciating of Zhang Yi Xin at this time, his noodles was reder, talked some strain to also mix.
"Ability ……can be ……BE ……BE you so beautiful young lady ……effect ……help.I, not, , greatly honored!!".Finish saying this.All of his faces are getting reder.Is a bit ashamedly lowly head.
"Do not know Anne Ms. Li, next time ……" he after a short while, but drum foot courage again way.
"I will contact yours!!".What Zhang Yi Xin was calm says.Have a little cajolery ground to hope him.Until hope him again confused.Just lightly smile a to residence in walk.
Su Lin is to tightly keep up with like a shadow.
The garden just rippling through a blue light of this moonlight, Zhang Yi Xin's smiling face was to disappear.
"Su!!I am to go home, pleased now don't again as staring at a dog like this stare at me!!".
"The young lady please forgive offense, this is the order of master.If you have disaffection, can scold me.Even beat me.However before the master didn't change viewpoint, I have to follow a young lady!!Time in necessity!!".Su Lin isn't surprised don't answer a way in disorder.
She compare Zhang Yi Xin greatly ascend 3 years old.But is the simple-minded that is a to Zhang Jia's man at the wheels.Zhang Wen Han is to favor her such a.
"Good.You wait ……"Zhang Yi Xin Be bad to mercilessly say.She small voice Gu Di several.Certainly Su Lin knows that Zhang Yi Xin is imagining to wait until Zhang Jia's her turn to hold real power.How to deal with from already.However she isn't afraid ……the matter like this still has an in luck and grow very.
The Yu Yu isn't doing enjoy ground to walk to return to residence.All servants saw the young lady coming back.All is guest polite spirit ground Gong Gong body.Zhang Yi Xin Yang wore a face to once walk.The reason also ignores.Lift a pack to throw a part in the hand.Her square wants to take a shower.However again Su Lin out of the door call come in.
"Su Lin.I want to make a phone call!!".
"H'm.Beat there!!If is call master.Can call at any time!!".Su Lin stares at a young lady with a taste of doubt.
"I call my elder brother!!".Zhang Yi Xin suddenly cuts up rough.Shu Related articles:

